Domestic Conference

Lee SJ, Yoon HS, Lim JH, Jung JY, Kim HC, Kim SH, Visual Cortex-Based Classification of Facial Expressions and Their Intensities, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2025 [Best Poster Award]

Ahn JH, Jung JY, Kim JS, Kim HC, Emotion prediction using fMRI signals and multimodality integration, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2025

Lee JP, Chung JY, Kim HC, A Diffusion Model Framework for EEG Abnormality Detection: Combining Learnable Spatial Filters and Multi-Scale Attention, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2025 [Best Poster Award]

Lee SJ, Yoon HS, Lim JH, Jung JY, Kim SH, Kim HC, Effects of Anger Approach-Avoidance Modification Training Intervention on Face Perception Using Visual Cortex Activity, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2024

Lee SJ, Yoon HS, Lim JH, Kim SH, Kim HC, Effective Multi-label Classification of Emotion and Intensity with Multi-task Learning in Visual Cortex, KPK workshop, Sep/2024 [Oral Presentation]

Ahn JH, Kim JS, Kim HC, Emotion Prediction from Naturalistic Movies using 3D Whole-Brain fMRI Data, KPK workshop, Sep/2024 [Oral Presentation]

Lim JH, Kim HC, Brain Decoding of the Human Connectome Project Using 3D-ConvNeXt, KPK workshop, Sep/2024 [Oral Presentation]

Kim JS, Kim YH, Kim BJ, Kim HC, Prediction of Disease Progression in FLAIR White Matter Hyperintensities in Stroke Patient, KPK workshop, Sep/2024
[Oral Presentation]

Lee JP, Kim HC, Diffusion-Enhanced Autoencoder for Abnormal EEG Identification, KPK workshop, Sep/2024 [Oral Presentation]

Jung JY, Kim HC, Sparceiver: Leveraging Dynamic Sparsity in Transformers for Better Shift Adaptation and Interpretability, KPK workshop, Sep/2024 [Oral Presentation]

Lee JP, Lee SJ, Kim HC, Deep Learning Ensemble-Based Asynchronous Classification for RSVP-BCI Systems, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Jun/2024

Ahn JH, Lee SJ, Kim JS, Kim HC, Sentiment Analysis Using 3D CNN with fMRI Whole-brain Activation Data, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Jun/2024

Jung JY, Kim HC, Sparceiver: Overcoming Gradient Confusion with Dynamic Attention Threshold in Transformers, Korean Society for Industrial Applied Mathematics  (KSIAM) Spring Conference, May/2024 [Oral Presentation]

Pyun CH, Lim JH, Jung JY, Jung SM, Kim HC, An Empirical Study on Convolutional Neural Network Models for Mobile Eye Tracking, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2024

Lim JH, Lee JH, Kim HC, 3D-β-VAE for Sensorimotor Task Classification: A fMRI study, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2024

Kim JS, Kim HC, Neural Responses in fMRI During Naturalistic Emotional Video Watching: CMU-MOSEI dataset, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Oct/2023

Lim JH, Lee JH, Kim HC, Variational Masked Autoencoder for Sensorimotor Classification Using Whole-brain fMRI Pattern, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Oct/2023

Jung JY, Kim HC, Avoiding Gradient Confusion with Sparceiver: Perceiver with Sparse Latent Activation, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), June/2023

Yun MH, Jung JY, Kim HC Transfer Learning based Neural Signal Classification in a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Task, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2023 [Best Poster Award]

Jung JY, Kim HC, Transporter: Euclidean Neural Network without Deep Learning Conventions, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2023

Choi Minseok, Kim HC, Youn Inchan, Lee Song Joo, Lee Jong-Hwan, Functional Localization of Lower Limb Movements Using fMRI with MR-Compatible Devices, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2022

Lee Juhyeon, Kim HC, Lee Jong-Hwan, Investigation of Multimodal Image and Text Processing in the Human Brain using Neural Networks, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2022

Yun MH, Jung JY, Kim HC, Preliminary Study: EEGNet for Motor Imagery Classification with Minimal Preprocessing, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2022

Jung JY, Yun MH, Kim HC, USAT: Unified Sparse Attention for Transformer, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2022[Best Poster Award]

Jung JY, Kim HC, Sparceiver: Perceiver with dynamic & sparse latent activations, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), June/2022  [Best Poster Award]

Lee JHyeon, Kim HC, Lee JH, Investigation of Brain Activity for Image and Text modalities, Annual meeting of Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, Korea Chapter, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2021.

Kim HC, Lee JHyeon, Kim JS, Jo SM, Lee JH, Understanding of multimodal image and natural language processing in human brain using deep neural network and functional MRI, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2019

Lee JHyeon, Kim HC, Kim JS, Jo SM, Lee JH, Decoding a sentence from functional MRI using deep neural network, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Feb/2019

Vu H, Kim HC, Lee JH, 3D convolutional neural network for feature extraction and classification of fMRI volumes, Annual meeting of Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, Korea Chapter, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2018 [Best Poster Award]

Lee JHyeon, Kim HC, Lee JH, Individual identification applying deep neural networks to dynamic functional connectivity patterns Annual meeting of Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, Korea Chapter, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), Nov/2018 [Best Poster Award]

Kim HC, Tegethoff M, Meinlschmidt G, Stalujanis E, Belardi A, Jo SM, Lee JHyeon, Heo DW, Kim DY, Yoo SS, Lee JH, Identification of functional connectivity associated with mindfulness based on mediation analysis in real-time fMRI neurofeedbackBrain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Jan/2018

Jo SM, Heo DW, Kim HC, Lustig Niv, Lee JH, fMRI study of nicotine craving using MR-compatible e-cigarette smoking equipment and machine learning approach, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Jan/2018

Lee JHyeon, Kim HC, Lee JH, Deep neural network based subject identification using dynamic functional connectivity patterns in resting-state, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Jan/2018

Lustig N, Kim HC, Lee JH, Classification of mindfulness and mind-wandering states using functional connectivity patterns, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Jan/2018

Vu H, Kim HC, Lee JH, 3D convolutional neural networks for feature extraction and classification of fMRI volumes acquired from sensorimotor tasks, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), Jan/2018 [Best Poster Award]

Kim HC, Tegethoff M, Meinlschmidt G, Stalujanis E, Belardi A, Jo SM, Lee JHyeon, Kim DY, Yoo SS, Lee JH. Real-time fMRI neurofeedback-based mediation analysis of triple networks enhances the mindfulness training, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) 2017

Jo SM, Heo DW, Kim HC, Lee JH. MR-compatible e-cigarette smoking can evaluate personal craving to nicotine using machine learning approach, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) 2017

Heo DW, Jang YJ, Kim HC, Lee JH, Investigation of different neuronal substrates between electronic cigarette and tobacco via mixed-effects multilevel analysis considering subject variability from an fMRI, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) 2017

Kim HC, Cho CH, Lee JH, Investigation of objective assessment of depression from young adults based on brain connectivity features and biological rhythms, Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences (KSBNS) 2017, Aug/2017

Kim HC, Lee JH, Emotion prediction from the fMRI data using deep neural network, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK) 2017.

Heo DW, Jang Y, Kim HC, Lee JH, Distinction of neuronal substrates between electronic cigarette and tobacco via psychophysiological interaction analysis using fMRI data, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK) 2017.

Jo SM, Heo DW, Kim HC, Lee JH, Evaluation and application of MR-compatible e-cigarette equipment, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK) 2017.

*Kim HC, Lee JH, Human emotion estimation from fMRI data using deep neural network, The Korean Society for Cognitive Science (KSCS) 2016, Republic of Korea. [Oral Presentation]

Kim HC, Lee JH, Development, evaluation, and applications of deep neural network algorithms to neuroimaging data, [Summer] Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), 2016.

Kim HC, Lee JH, Emotion prediction from fMRI using deep neural network-based regression, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), 2016.

Heo DW, Jang Y, Kim HC, Lee JH, Neural substrates of electronic cigarette and tobacco: preliminary fMRI study, Brain and Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), 2016.

Kim HC, Lee JH, Hemodynamic response of neuronal activity: Preliminary study using simultaneous scalp EEG-fMRI. Brain Computer engineering (BCE) Symposium, 2015.

Kim HC, Lee JH, A Method to Estimate Hemodynamic Couplings of Mu Rhythm Activity from Motor Imagery Task: A Preliminary EEG/fMRI Study, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), 2015.

Kim HC, Lee JH, A Feasibility of Principal Component Analysis to Remove Residual Artifacts in EEG Data Acquired with fMRI Data, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), 2014.

Koo IY, Yang TW, Kim HC, Kim DY, Lee JH, Links between musical features, emotional responses, and EEG band rhythms: A pilot study, Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), 2014.

Kim HC, Lee JH, EEG signatures associated with smoking desire: A pilot study using simultaneous EEG-fMRI data, Brain Engineering Society of Korea (BESK), 2013.